Brussels Debates                                                          

Wednesday, 10 July 2024 at 18:30 hrs


European Parliament Brussels

ASP 00 G – Le Grand Café Spinelli


For kangaroo group members only


The Kangaroo Group invites you to its



After elections reception



Don't miss the opportunity to meet MEPs



Michael Gahler MEP / President of the Kangaroo Group Director

Josepha von Metternich / Secretary General of the Kangaroo Gr



Brussels Debate


Tuesday, 24 October 2023 at 13:00 hrs

in the European Parliament, Salon Privé/Restaurant des Députés.


We will discuss:

“Food Security & ‘Made in Italy’ – How technology can benefit the livestock sector


Innovative technologies are crucial in driving the growth and sustainability of the agri-food industry in the EU. These solutions can enhance productivity, animal welfare, and the quality of animal products, thus benefiting the overall economy and global trade. To highlight these important aspects of EU agriculture, we are hosting an event to engage stakeholders. Our primary objective is to examine how advanced technologies are optimizing the food value chain, with a specific focus on addressing food security challenges, while also preserving important cultural heritage aspects, such as the Made in Italy.


Statements will be presented by:

  • Herbert DORFMANN MEP, EPP/Italy, Member of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development

  • Pierre BASCOU, Director, DG AGRI, European Commission

  • Cristina TINELLI, Head of the Brussels Office, Confragricoltura

  • Debora ORRICO, Director of Institutional Affairs, MSD Animal Health 

  • Davide CALDERONE, Director at ASSICA



  • Andrea GAVINELLI, Head of Unit, Animal Welfare, DG SANTE, European Commission


The debate will be chaired by Michael GAHLER, President of the Board, Kangaroo Group.




Please note that this event is a paying event, the  contribution is :
20€ for MEPs, EU-officials, Kangaroo Group Members and 90€ for Non-Members  – to be paid in cash at the reception desk in front of the venue –



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Due to unexpected reasons, we have to CANCEL our Brussels Debate foreseen for


Wednesday, 20 September 2023 at 13:00 hrs 


We will inform you soon about the new date of the this Debate. We apologize for the inconvenience and we hope to see you at a future lunch debate of the Kangaroo Group.


Wednesday, 20 September 2023 at 13:00 hrs in the European Parliament, Salon Privé/Restaurant des Députés


"From Crisis to Preparedness: Building a sustainable CBRN defence capacity”


Lessons from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and imperatives for the next European Commission


Russia’s illegitimate and unjustified war of aggression against Ukraine has highlighted the increased CBRN threats, particularly nuclear but also chemical, biological and radiological, faced by Ukraine and the EU. To support Ukraine, the EU activated its Civil Protection Mechanism in February 2022 and has since mobilised its rescEU reserve to channel unprecedented amounts of critical support provided by EU Member States, Participating States and, for the first time ever, private-sector actors. This event seeks to take stock of current EU preparations in building national and Union-level CBRN capacities to protect itself and neighbouring states, including Ukraine, and discuss how to sustain that capacity in the longer-term, with what medium and long-term budgetary implications, and what role for private-sector actors. 



 Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group



Hans DAS, Director, DG ECHO, European Commission

Mario DI GENNARO, Head of Competence Center EU Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance, Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V.

Laura COCHRANE, Vice President for Global Medical Affairs, Emergent



Wednesday, 20 September 2023 from 8:00 until 10:00 hrs


European Parliament, Altiero-Spinelli-Building – Salon, Members Restaurant


CO2 storage in the NZIA: Mind the gap to the 2030 target”


“The annual CO2 injection capacity target tabled in the NZIA proposal the shows the European Commission’s commitment to accelerate the development of CCS, a key technology to reach climate neutrality by 2050.

Achieving this target will require improvements to the text, to ensure that a range of enabling measures are taken at EU and Members State level. These include administrative procedures on licensing, pragmatic amendments to the geographical and technological scope, and the establishment of incentives and support mechanisms for CCUS value chain participants, in particular emitters.

In the absence of such measures, reaching the target may prove impossible due to a lack of viable business case.

Even worse – CO2 storage capacity could be developed to fulfill the obligation of the NZIA and end up being unused due to a lack of captured CO2 volumes to be injected.

“The annual CO2 injection capacity target tabled in the NZIA proposal the shows the European Commission’s commitment to accelerate the development of CCS, a key technology to reach climate neutrality by 2050.

Achieving this target will require improvements to the text, to ensure that a range of enabling measures are taken at EU and Members State level. These include administrative procedures on licensing, pragmatic amendments to the geographical and technological scope, and the establishment of incentives and support mechanisms for CCUS value chain participants, in particular emitters.

In the absence of such measures, reaching the target may prove impossible due to a lack of viable business case.

Even worse – CO2 storage capacity could be developed to fulfill the obligation of the NZIA and end up being unused due to a lack of captured CO2 volumes to be injected.

Participants will have the opportunity to exchange with IOGP Europe’s experts on the improvements which should be brought to ensure the NZIA leads to the successful deployment of CCUS in the EU in time.”


Welcome and Introduction:

Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group



Christian EHLER MEP, EPP/Germany, Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

Mechthild WOERSDOERFER, Deputy Director-General, DG ENER, European Commission

Francois-Régis MOUTON de LOSTALOT LASALLE, Regional Director Europe, International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP)


(this debate is held under Chatham House Rules)





Please note that this event is a paying event, the  contribution is :
20€ for MEPs, EU-officials, Kangaroo Group Members and 50€ for Non-Members  – to be paid in cash at the reception desk in front of the venue –


We are looking forward to welcoming you at this debate.



Brussels Debate

Tuesday, 19 September 2023 at 13:00 hrs in the European Parliament, Salon Privé/Restaurant des Députés.

"Strengthening the European Defense Technological and Industrial Base – Experiences of an European aircraft propulsion leader"


In the past few years, there has been a debate on the need of Strategic Autonomy and also how it should translate in policies. Too often, the premise is that Strategic Autonomy doesn’t go well with a solid transatlantic partnership or the one is an alternative to the other. There are concrete examples from industry that proof the opposite. Avio Aero is a historical Italian company, a close partner in many European military programs and a key supplier to air forces. Becoming part of a non-EU headquartered company has not impaired it from continuing to play its role in the EU's Defense Technological and Industrial Base.


Keynote Speaker:

Riccardo PROCACCI, CEO of Avio Aero



Fabio Massimo CASTALDO MEP, Non-attached/Italy, Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Member of the Sub-Committee on Security and Defence


The meeting will be kindly chaired by Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group.


Other speakers to be confirmed.




Please note that this event is a paying event, the  contribution is :
20€ for MEPs, EU-officials, Kangaroo Group Members and 90€ for Non-Members  – to be paid in cash at the reception desk in front of the venue –


We are looking forward to welcoming you at this debate.


Kind regards,


Michael Gahler MEP                                      Josepha von Metternich               

President                                                     Director/Secretary General                                                                                       

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Due to unexpected reasons we unfortunately have to cancel this event.


We will inform you soon about the new date of the this Debate.


Brussels Debate


Tuesday, 5 September 2023 at 13:00 hrs in the European Parliament, Salon Privé/Restaurant des Députés.


We will discuss:

"New Genomic Techniques: reaching an enabling framework for EU agriculture and innovation."


The potential of New Genomic Techniques (NGTs) to contribute to sustainable agri-food systems has been widely acknowledged by the academics and researchers around the world. The proposal published by the European Commission on 5 July aims to enable the development and use of NGTs in the EU by ensuring a proportionate regulatory oversight. This is in line with the objectives of the EU Green Deal and supports innovation and competitiveness of EU agriculture. 


Join us for a fruitful discussion with a range of stakeholders on the potential of NGTs to support EU agriculture. We hope to address the main concerns and sensitivities that permeate the topic and to promote an inclusive exchange on what an enabling NGT framework should look like for the EU.



Jessica POLFJÄRD MEP, EPP/Sweden, Member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

Nikita SAJEEV, Former Post-doctoral researcher, Plant Physiology at Wageningen University and Co-founder GeneSprout Initiative

Patricija GRAN, PhD. Student, Plant Physiology at Wageningen University, Policy and Advocacy lead GeneSprout Initiative 


The meeting will be kindly chaired by Herbert DORFMANN MEP, Member of the Kangaroo Group.


Other Speakers to be confirmed




We are looking forward to welcoming you at this debate.




Tuesday, 4 July 2023 from 13:00 until 14:30 hrs




European Parliament

Altiero-Spinelli-Building – Restaurant des Députes, Salon


EU – NATO Cooperation”


Welcome and Introduction:

Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group



Lucas MANDL MEP, EPP/Austria, Vice-Chair of the Sub-Committee on Security and


Alison WESTON, Head of Division, Partnerships and Task Force NATO, European

External Action Service (EEAS)

Camille GRAND, Distinguished Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign

Relations (ECFR) and former Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment at

NATO (2016-2022)



Emmanuel JACOB, President of EUROMIL


Other Speakers to be confirmed


(this debate is held under Chatham House Rules)




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Tuesday, 30 May 2023 from 13:00 until 14:30 hrs


Helping innovation reach patients”

From shortages through to patients access to new medicines in Europe – will the

proposed revision to the pharmaceutical legislation help?


Welcome and Introduction:

Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group


Improving the availability, affordability and accessibility for patients to new medicines in Europe is at heart of the EU’s revision of the general pharmaceutical legislation. Poor patient access can have many root-causes. Will the European Commission’s new proposal deliver more fairness from Berlin to Bucharest? What impact will it have for chronic diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease? Will the new EU joint action on HTA complement the goal to improve access to new innovations? Will Europe become more or less attractive for future investments including biomanufacturing facilities?



Susana SOLÍS PÉREZ MEP, Renew Europe / Spain, Member of the Committee on Regional Development and Member of the Subcommittee on Public Health

Tomislav SOKOL MEP, EPP/Croatia, Member of the Committee on the Internal Market and Member on the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons learned and recommendations for the Future

Csaba KONTOR, Health Attaché, Permanent Representation of Hungary to the EU

Stefan GIJSSELS, Chair, Patient Expert Center

Nabil DAOUD, President of Eli Lilly Spain, Portugal and Greece, Eli Lilly & Company


(this debate is held under Chatham House Rules)




(this debate is held under Chatham House Rules)


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Brussels Debate


European Parliament

Altiero-Spinelli-Building – Restaurant des Députes, Salon


Tuesday, 23 May 2023, 13.00 - 14.30 hrs

“Revision of the Union Customs Code: tackling new challenges wisely”


The event’s purpose is to raise awareness of the importance of the reform of the Union customs legislation by hearing from the European Commission (DG TAXUD), MEPs and WPG experts on the proposed measures and the impact on customs users and authorities alike. The event is aimed at politicians, trade associations, companies, customs experts and users, providing the opportunity to share views from the operator’s and stakeholders’ perspectives.



Cesar GUERRA GUERRERO, Trade & Access Consulting



Mathias PETSCHKE, Director, DG TAXUD, European Commission

Asa BOTES, Financial counsellor - Customs Affairs, Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU

Ricardo TREVINO, Deputy Secretary General, World Customs Organisation

Alexander de VOET, Europe & Global Consulting Lead, Accenture Border Service


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Brussels Debate
Tuesday, 24 January 2023, 13.00 - 14.30 hrs

European Parliament, Conference Room A3F383, ASP-Building

“Enhancing health systems’ resilience in the EU and globally: How can the EU lead by example?”


At a time when the European Health Union package is being implemented to enhance Member States’ and EU’s preparedness and response to a health crisis, the European Commission is reconsidering the international role of the EU in health. The new EU Global Health Strategy is set to integrate the lessons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic and strengthen international partnerships to improve health systems globally.
With the EU taking a leadership role in Global Health, it is paramount that sustained reforms and political engagement effectively address health systems’ fragilities. New challenges continue to emerge and range from disease outbreaks, to the impact of the war in Ukraine, to workforce and medicines shortages. The EU Global Health strategy can bring EU’s health security legal framework closer to the international commitment for solidarity, equity and inclusivity. Kangaroo Group and AIDS Healthcare Foundation Europe are inviting you to discuss the success indicators for resilient and efficient health systems. We will also discuss which steps could the EU take as a positive leader in Global Health and how to structure an inclusive dialogue with all relevant stakeholders.



Chair and Introduction:
Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group

Juozas OLEKAS MEP, S&D/Lithuania, Member of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, Substitute Member of Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic
Bartlomiej KURCZ, Acting Head of Unit, DG HERA, European Commission
Jorge SAAVEDRA, Executive Director, AHF Global Health Institute

Closing Remarks:
Antoni COMÍN I OLIVERES MEP, Non-attached/Spain, Member of the Committee on the
Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

A Sandwich-Bar will be available as of 12.15 hrs, Venue Espace
“Culinaria Mundi” – ASP Zone E Level 01

Please note that photos will be made during the event and will be published on the Kangaroo Group´s website





Save the Date 20230124
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Dear Madam, dear Sir,

Due to the Parliament decision to cancel all events because of the risk of the outbreak of the viral disease COVID-19, we need to inform you that the Kangaroo Group's lunch debate in Brussels has to be cancelled.

We try to find a new date for this topic and will inform you in time.

We regret it very much and hope to see you again once the restrictions are over.

Kind regards,
Michael Gahler,



Josepha von Metternich,

Director/Secretary General                  



Tuesday, 9 April 2018 from 8:00 to 9:30 hrs


“Exploring a global systems approach for urban sustainability: What’s in it for the EU?”



Professor Xuemei BAI, Australian National University, 2018 Volvo Environment Prize Laureate



Linnéa ENGSTRÖM MEP, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance/Sweden, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Fisheries

Wallis GOELEN-VANDEBROCK, Senior Expert for Inclusive Growth, Urban and Territorial Development, DG REGIO



for further infromation of this event:


Volvo Environment Prize 2018 Laureate film

Nature WV Advanceecosystem approach in cities
BD_20190409_1_Nature WV Advance ecosyste[...]
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Six research priorities for CCC Nature
BD20190409_2_Six research priorities for[...]
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NatSust Urban south and global sustainability
BD20190409_3_NatSust Urban south and glo[...]
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Difining and advancing systems approach in cities
BD20190409_4_COSUST Defining and advanci[...]
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Tuesday, 4 September 2018 from 14:00 to 15:30 hrs


“Organised Crime and Excise Fraud – The Illicit Cigarette Market in the EU”



Cathy HAENLEIN, Senior Research Fellow, National Security and Resilience, Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI)

Charlie SIMPSON, Partner, KPMG Global Strategy Group



Howard PUGH, Senior Specialist, Operations Department, EUROPOL


Here a link to the full report of the Project SUN:


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Executive Summary Projekt SUN
BD_20180904_Project SUN - Executive Summ[...]
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Thursday, 22 February 2018 from 13:00 to 14:30 hrs


Introduction: Wolf KLINZ MEP, ALDE/Germany, Member of the Committees on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Budgetary Control


Moderator: David DOYLE, Member of the Board, Kangaroo Group


Keynote Speaker:David WARREN, Chief Executive Officer, London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG)



Kay SWINBURNE MEP, ECR/UK, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

Simon LEWIS, Chief Executive, Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME)

Peter DE PROFT, Director General, European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA)

Rafael PLATA, Director General, European Association of CCP Clearing Houses (EACH)

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Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Brussels Lunch Debate


"Is there a Role for Self-Regulation in Regulatory Risk Management?"



Jim ROMINE, Head of the Research Institute For Fragrance Materials (RIFM)
Andreas SCHWAB MEP, EPP/Germany, Member of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection


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Wednesday, 6 December 2017 from 13:00 until 14:30 hrs


“Space and Security strategy for Europe”



Kai-Uwe SCHROGL, Chief Strategy Officer and Head of Strategy Department,

European Space Agency (ESA)

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Wednesday, 21 June 2017 from 08:00 to 09:30 hrs


“Smart Metering for Smart Communities –

The Energy Union and municipal utilities”




Norbert LINS MEP, Member of the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee, European Parliament

Manuel SANCHEZ JIMENEZ, Policy Officer-Senior Officer for Smart Grids, DG ENER

Nicola POCHETTINO, Head of Division Electricity Networks, European Investment Bank, Luxembourg

Frank GUTZEIT, President of the Division Board DIEHL METERING, Member of the Executive Board DIEHL

... read more

Brussels Lunch Debate

Tuesday, 27 September 2016 from 13:00 to 14:30 hrs


"Transport Industry perspective on the Digital Single Market"



Günther OETTINGER, Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society

Martin LUNDSTEDT, President and CEO, Volvo Group

Jean-Dominique SENARD, CEO and Managing General Partner, Michelin

Breakfast Meeting, Energy Debate, Wednesday, 15 June 2016


BRUSSELS-DEBATE, Tuesday, 3 May 2016 from 18:30 to 21:00 hrs


Bioterrorism – Is the EU prepared?



  • Monika HOHLMEIER MEP, EPP/Germany, Rapporteur, Member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs


  • John GATT RUTTER, Head of Counter-Terrorism Division, EEAS             

  • Jorge Manuel BENTO SILVA, Acting Head of Terrorism and Crisis Management Unit, DG Home

  • Levent ALTAN, Executive Director, Victim Support Europe

  • Dr. Steven CHATFIELD, Senior Adviser, Emergent BioSolutions


In the wake of the Brussels bombings, the European Parliamentary Research Service concluded that: “While attacks against public transportation systems are unfortunately not a new phenomenon, coordination between Member States on the possibility of a terrorist attack using non-conventional weapons such as chemical, biological, radiological or even nuclear materials is also now urgently needed.” Should the unthinkable ever happen does Europe have the tools and medical countermeasures in place to protect citizens and save lives?

see photos ...

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BRUSSELS-DEBATE, Wednesday, 20 April 2016 from 8:00 to 9:30 hrs


Market Economy for China - The end of effective EU-trade defence? Challenges for the Steel Industry



  • Bernd LANGE MEP, Chair of the Committee on International Trade
  • Martin THEURINGER, Director for Economics and Chief Economist, German Steel Federation

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Brussels-Breakfast-Debate, Wednesday, 16 March 2016 from 8:00 to 9:30 hrs


Transparent prices versus confidential agreements:

What’s best for patient access and sustainable healthcare?”


Introduction: Paul RÜBIG MEP, EVP/Austria, Member of the Committees on Industry, Research and Energy and Budgets


Presentation: Dermot GLYNN, Europe Economics, Author of the Study « External Reference Pricing – the case for transparency in pricing »



  • Andrzej Jan RYS, Director, Health Systems, Medical Products and Innovation, DG SANTE

  • David SAUNDERS, former Chief Executive of UK Competition Commission

  • Erik MEINHARDT, Market Access Lead for Europe and Canada, MSD Menno AARNOUT, Executive Director, International Association of Mutual Benefits Societies (AIM)


Conclusion: Nicola BEDLINGTON, Secretary General of the European Patients' Forum (EPF)



With the completion of the Single Market being one of its key goals, inequalities in access to innovative medicines are of concern to the Kangaroo Group. The Dutch EU Council Presidency has called for greater transparency in how prices are set in its “Summary of Medicines Plan”. Health minister Edith Schippers furthermore argued that it was unfair that pharmaceutical companies knew the prices of their drugs in 28 EU Member States, but that health ministers could not exchange such information. The European Commission has recently published a study “Enhanced cross-country collaboration in the area of pharmaceutical product pricing” and is also in the process of developing, together with Member States, the EURIPID pricing database to help exchange information in the context of the Transparency Directive.

read more, photos and downloads ...

Christmas Dinner

Wednesday, 2 December 2015 at 18:30 hrs

127th Board Meeting of the Kangaroo Group

Open to all Members of the Kangaroo Group
We will use this opportunity to discuss Goals and Projects
of the Kangaroo Group for 2016

ChristmasD 20151202.pdf
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Brussels Debate, Wednesday, 11 November 2015 from 13:00 until 14:30 hrs - European Parliament Brussels


"5G - The next Generation of Mobile Networks will revolutionize our Communications"



Lauri OKSANEN, Vice-President Research and Technology, NOKIA (Head of Nokia Networks R&D)



Pilar DEL CASTILLO VERA MEP, Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

Paul RÜBIG MEP, Member of the Committee on Budgets and Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

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Tuesday, 14 July 2015 from 13:00 until 14:30 hrs


“The Energy Union – Keeping Europe Competitive”




  • Miguel ARIAS CANETE, Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy



  • Ian DUNCAN MEP, Member of the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

  • Ana GOMES MEP, Member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

  • Emmanuel HATON, Director European Government Affairs, BP


Other speakers to be confirmed



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Evening Debate and Reception

Tuesday, 21 April 2015 from 17:00 until 20:30 hrs


"The EU and Japan: A New Stage in Partnerships"


Opening Speech by H.E. Keiichi Katakami, Ambassador from the Mission of Japan to the EU

here you can download the programme
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Breakfast Debate

Wednesday, 10 December 2014 from 8:00 until 9:30 hrs


"Can Europe get along without importing energy?"



Yvonne STAUSBØLL, Secretary General of UPEI



Hubertus BARDT, Economic Institute Köln, author of the study "Does Dependency equal Vulnerability?"



Mechthild WOERSDOERFER, Director, DG Energy

Claude TURMES, MEP, Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy


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Breakfast Debate

Wednesday, 24 September 2014 from 8:00 until 9:30 hrs


"Towards a new Industrial Policy on Life Sciences: External Reference Pricing - Remedy for Strained Health Budgets or Barrier of Innovation?"



Sören BO CHRISTIANSEN, Senior Vice-President Europe & Canada, MSD



Gwenole COZIGOU, Director, DG Enterprise

Dermot GLYNN, Europe Economics, Author of the Study "External Reference Pricing"

Ri DE RIDDER, Deputy Director, Belgian Pricing Reimbursment Agency, INAMI

Achim KAUTZ, Policy Director, European Liver Patients Association, ELPA

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Lunch Debate

Tuesday, 23 September 2014 from 13:00 until 14:30 hrs


"Shaping the Future of Transport in Europe"



Olof Persson, CEO and President of the VOLVO Group

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CV Olov Persson
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The Kangaroo Group aisbl
Rue Wiertz 11

tel: 0032 2 280 60 95

fax: 0032 2 280 07 84



We are transparent and registered:


Kangaroo Group EU Transparency Register Number: 
